Websites: Presentation and Animation Tools
The following websites will provide your students with options for presenting their work using intuitive, free, web-based resources. Some of these may require teacher registration or parent permission - this is indicated in the description of the website below.

Pecha Kucha
PechaKucha Night was devised in Tokyo in February 2003 as an event for young designers to meet, network, and show their work in public.
It has turned into a massive celebration, with events happening in hundreds of cities around the world, inspiring creatives worldwide. Drawing its name from the Japanese term for the sound of "chit chat", it rests on a presentation format that is based on a simple idea: 20 images x 20 seconds. It's a format that makes presentations concise, and keeps things moving at a rapid pace.

Prezi is a cloud-based presentation software that opens up a new world between whiteboards and slides.
The zoomable canvas makes it fun to explore ideas and Prezi is able to be used by groups of students at the same time, with students being able to work at school or at home, on the same presentation.
Education accounts are available for free. These offer more advanced features than the free accounts.

Tiki-Toki is a free and easy way to create beautiful interactive timelines that you can share on the web. You'll be creating timelines in minutes. Nothing to download. Tiki-Toki works in your browser. Tiki-Toki provides integration with Flickr for images and YouTube and Vimeo for videos. Each timeline you create has its own unique url that you can send to friends or colleagues. Timelines created using Tiki-Toki can be embedded on your own website or blog.

Dipity is a free digital timeline website with a mission is to organize the web's content by date and time. Users can create, share, embed and collaborate on interactive, visually engaging timelines that integrate video, audio, images, text, links, social media, location and timestamps.

ShowMe is an open learning community where you can learn or teach any subject. Watch great lessons for free, or create your own.
ShowMe turns everyone into a teacher and allows for real-time audio recording whilst students write on the interactive white board. ShowMe's can be played back again and again.
Show Me

Voki is a free service that allows you to create personalized speaking avatars and use them on your blog, profile and in email messages. Some of the benefits of Voki:
- It is free!
- Fun & interesting, students will spend time on it
- User- and viewer- friendly
- Ability to share "voki-videos" with others (students, teachers, parents, other classes)
- Easy to embed, in a variety of ways
Voice Thread

With VoiceThread, group conversations are collected and shared in one place from anywhere in the world. All with no software to install.
A VoiceThread is a collaborative, multimedia slide show that holds images, documents, and videos and allows people to navigate slides and leave comments in 5 ways - using voice (with a mic or telephone), text, audio file, or video (via a webcam). Share a VoiceThread with friends, students, and colleagues for them to record comments too.
Users can doodle while commenting, use multiple identities, and pick which comments are shown through moderation. VoiceThreads can even be embedded to show and receive comments on other websites and exported to MP3 players or DVDs to play as archival movies.

Animoto generates custom, professional-looking slideshows from user-uploaded music and photos. Their “patent-pending Cinematic Artificial Intelligence technology and high-end motion design” drives the web app
Once completed, videos can be emailed, downloaded and embedded into other sites. The company says no two videos are ever the same.
Teachers can sign up for an educator account that gives them codes to pass on to up to 30 students for six months of free Animoto use (allowing students to make full length movies). Teachers can request new codes every six months.

FlipSnack is a tool that anyone can use to turn basic online publications into stylish, digital flipbooks. If you’re looking for ways to make a boring publication seem more interesting or to help a cute story you wrote go viral, FlipSnack just might be the answer. In minutes, you can turn any PDF document into a Flash-based flipbook that can be casually read just like a paper-based magazine or book.

Making word clouds is fun, and is much more fun with Tagxedo! With Tagxedo, you can:
- customize font, theme, color, orientation, and shape
- fine-tune with lots of options
- save as images for printing and sharing
- choose from many standard fonts
- use custom fonts
- constrain the word cloud to selected shapes
- use images as custom shapes