International Baccalaureate Organization
One of the key documents to guide us in this process was the Exhibition Guidelines as published by the IBO. This document clearly outlines the specific requirements of the Exhibition and offers advice on how to involve everyone to spread the workload, maximise the potential of the Exhibition on learning and ensure the success of the process.
After reading through the guidelines and coming to a shared understanding that the Exhibition is what the school makes it, we knew we needed to come up with a definition of the Exhibition as it pertained to Riverstone, including:
- the role of the Head of School, Principal and PYP Coordinator
- how we can best structure schedules to allow for maximum collaboration for teachers and students
- how we will educate our faculty, parent community and student body
- the role and education of mentors
- the involvement of our school and local community
- sharing the task of preparing the students for this experience via workshops
- the logistics of the actual Exhibition evening
There is flexibility in how this will look for each school that takes on The Passion Project - and that is the point. The Passion Project should be a reflection of what you believe in, value and wish to promote as a school community.