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PDF Resources

The following resources may be useful in planning your own Passion Project.  Each resource links to a PDF that can be downloaded to your computer.  Please respect the ownership of the documents as noted at the foot of each page.

Exhibition Contracts

We used the sample contracts from the IBO to create our own contracts.  We shared the purpose of the contract with our students and had them work in groups to write contracts for each student and each family to sign.

IBO Sample Contract - Students

Riverstone Sample - Parents 

Riverstone Sample - Students


Inquiry Cycle

This document offers one way of looking at the process of inquiry. It is worth noting that the final point in the cycle is not the presenting of the work - that the inquiry continues after the presentation.  Permeating the inquiry is the call to action - how will you use what you know to the benefit of yourself and others?

Inquiry Cycle Document


Exhibition Overview

This document offers a summary of the key points of the Exhibition. It is intended as a one-page summary of the features you can expect to see in The Passion Project and would be useful to have available to parents following the information evening. 

Exhibition Overview


Learner Profile Reflection

The Learner Profile is at the heart of the PYP Exhibition.  This document provides guiding questions based on the Learner Profile as a reflective tool for use during The Passion Project. Responses to these questions could be recorded via audio/video, written by students or used as discussion points in small groups.

Learner Profile Reflection Pages

Transdisciplinary Skills Assessment

We had a number of options for students to measure their skills growth over the course of The Passion Project.  The trick is to balance keeping an eye on development without it overwhelming the process.  Choose or modify from the options below to suit your needs:

Transdisciplinary Self Assessment

Transdisciplinary Skills for Portfolios


PYP Concepts and Questions

The Passion Project is part of a concept-based program where we focus on big ideas and draw out questions from these to guide our inquiries. The following document outlines these concepts and the questions that arise from them.  Identifying concepts for your inquiry is like putting on a tinted lens --how do you view your inquiry through different conceptual lenses?

​PYP Concepts Document

Golden Circle

This document is the one we used during our Passions Tour and the one the students used during whole class, small group, and one-on-one sessions to help them uncover their 'why'?

Golden Circle PDF


Guide to Pages

The following document, whilst not specific to The Passion Project, contains some useful tips for creating documents using Pages. Once you become familiar with the suite of tools know as the Inspector, your skills will transfer to Keynote and Numbers which uses the same interface. 

Pages Tips​


Inspiring Action

This document takes another look at the PYP Key Concepts and the element of taking action.  Through the concepts, the idea of moving from knowing to doing is explored through guiding questions. This document would be useful to help guide student action as they look to see how their passion can impact their community. 

From Knowledge to Action


SLC Goals Sheet

SLC Guidelines

These documents are useful leading up to and during the Student Led Conference.  We found that during the conference time was ideal for families to set goals together and the guidelines helped to focus the discussion throughout the conference. 

Goals Sheet for Conferences

Student Led Conference Guidelines


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