"Vision without action is daydream.
Action without vision is nightmare."
Japanese Proverb
We live in a connected, global society where finding information is a google search away. Anyone can find information on a topic if they really wanted to.
What we are after is what is going to be done with that information. Are you going to sit on it and be happy with being more knowledgeable or are you going to use it to connect yourself to your community - your family, your classmates, your school, your town.....your world?
This is where taking action comes in.
How action looks will be different for each child. It may be as personal as deciding to eat a meatless meal, write random notes of kindness, or remembering to take reusable bags to the grocery store. It may also be something that touches the lives of many.
Three great resources for helping kids with ideas and inspiration about taking action are included below. These, along with your children's natural instincts for wanting to be a part of something bigger than themselves, will help form the basis of what "action" looks like in your Passion Project.
Action Resources
Inspire My Kids
We want kids to take meaningful action, right? What better way to get them motivated to do so than by searching through some of the content on this website. What I really like is that not only can you get inspired, you can offer inspiration to others and share your kids stories in order for them to continue to share the love with other kids.
Kids Are Heroes
Kids Are Heroes® is a non-profit that empowers, encourages and inspires children to become leaders through volunteerism and community involvement. They do this by showcasing and supporting children who are making a difference through their selfless acts of giving.
They teach children to follow their passions at an early age. This will instinctively stay with them throughout their entire lives.
Idealist is on a mission and has a clear vision for where they are headed. This is a great organization and a great way to help connect you to your community – wherever in the world that may be. In their own words:
Our Vision
We would like to live in a world where:
- All people can lead free and dignified lives.
- Every person who wants to help another has the ability to do so.
- No opportunities for action or collaboration are missed or wasted.
Our Mission
Idealist connects people, organizations, and resources to help build a world where all people can live free and dignified lives. Idealist is independent of any government, political ideology, or religious creed. Our work is guided by the common desire of our members and supporters to find practical solutions to social and environmental problems, in a spirit of generosity and mutual respect.