Our focus for the presentation of The Passion Projects was for each child to firstly share their journey with the group- how they discovered their passion, what they did, how that impacted them, and what action they took along the way. The second part of the presentation was a more intimate sharing of the 'nuts and bolts' of their Passion Project journey in a one-on-one or small group setting at a booth or station.
We were fortunate to work with Marty Baird, a Riverstone parent and a consultant with a flair and passion for sharing one's story. Marty helped us rethink the way a presentation looks, challenging us to think of the people were were sharing our story with as participants and as such, including them in our narratives by asking them questions.
In addition to working with Marty, we also prepared for our presentations by:
- watching young people give TED talks
- watching fifth graders in Yokohama, Japan prepare for their Passion Project presentations
- videoing ourselves to see how we look and sound to an audience
- learning about Pecha-Kucha and how to employ the techniques of Presentation Zen when using multi-media
As the "ShipIt" date for our presentations drew nearer, we rehearsed with students from other classes as our audience who provided valuable feedback for last minute changes. Marty reminded us that we were sharing our story and to relax and enjoy it. His reminder to us that:
"Fear and excitement
are shades of the same color"
really helped our nerves and the presentations were a remarkable reflection of the confidence and passion exhibited by each student.
Presentation Skills
Some Fifth Grade Advice on Great Presentations...
- Make the audience listen
- Add humor
- Sounding smart
- Have images to help the audience understand.
- Know what you’re talking about
- Remember your materials!
- Know what you’re doing.
- Focus on your topic.
- Have a strong opinion
- Take time to get to the point so they believe you
- Talk about their own experience instead of other people
- Create an image with your presentation
- Trying not to stutter when you are speaking
- Sound cool
- Appeal to the audiences emotions
- Making other people believe what you are saying
- Make an impression
- Ask questions
- Talk to the crowd not your paper
- Use good vocabulary
- Be prepared for mistakes.
- Speak passionately
- The person compares two things
- Asking a question to the audience
- Say your life story quickly but fully
- Focus on what you saying instead of focusing on the reaction
- Get a good reaction
- The presentation counts more than the appearance
- Know what you are saying
- Making yourself sound like you are not nervous even if you are being nervous
- You have to feel confident to be confident
- Making sure you speak clearly and are not stumbling over your words
- A good presenter is able to speak about their passion with confidence, bring in research and their own examples.
- Have eye contact with audience
- The person does not distract the audience with hand motions
- A clear and confident voice
- Connecting to the audience
- Connect to the crowd with humor, sadness etc.
- Robust words
- Somebody that believes in the topic they are speaking about
- Address the audience and make them feel as if you were individually talking to them
- When you look at the audience more than you look at the notes
- Knowing what to do before you get on stage
- Referencing others that have influenced you
- Make sure you are funny without insulting your audience
- Make sure you really get your passion out their
- Express your passion and your opinions
- Speaking with passion
- Involving others
- Talk about what you are going to do in the future
- Ask questions
- Make personal connection
- Think outside of the box
- Do not limit yourself
- Stopping when the audience laughs or applauds
- Make funny statements
- Plan out the presentation
- You tell what you are going to do in the future
- Have a smile on your face to show you are having a good time
- Talk clearly
- A good presenter is able to speak about their passion with confidence, bring in research and their own thoughts or ideas
- Tell what you thought your passion was and how it changed if it did