Reflection is an ongoing part of The Passion Project.
One of the key ways of measuring the success of The Passion Project is through thoughtful, detailed and ongoing reflections before, during and after the project.
A number of tools for student reflections have been provided in the Resources section of this website. These tools are initially shared with the students but they are also encouraged to adapt and modify them as they see fit, to most accurately allow for them to reflect. We have found that when given the chance to reflect orally via video or audio recording, reflections tend to be more detailed. This can also be achieved using a number of speech to text tools.
At the conclusion of The Passion Project, we surveyed our classroom parents via Survey Monkey. Here is the link to our 8 question survey.
When we got the survey results, we collated them, reflected on them and shared our reflections with our parent community, outlining our response to the feedback we had received. The feedback highlighted some areas we needed to work on, gave us confidence that we were on the right track and ultimately helped us to refine The Passion Project for the next group of students and families.
We felt it was important to share our reflections with our parents to emphasize the value their contributions had in the process of evolving The Passion Project into the best experience possible.
Survey Analysis/Reflection
1. Exhibition Parent Meeting
- About half surveyed found the Parent Meeting to be excellent, answering all or most questions
- The remainder of the respondents were almost split into two equal groups (30/20): somewhat helped answer my questions and did not attend.
Action: Find a better time to have the meeting so more people can attend. Advertise more clearly the purpose of the meeting to ensure attendance. Send information prior to meeting so parents can ask informed questions. Consider including students in this meeting for all/part of it.
2. Level of Information Given Throughout Exhibition
This was graded on a scale from 1-5 with 1 being poor and 5 being excellent.
- Emails from teachers and Blog Posts were excellent
- Student led conferences were overall helpful although this area also received a 1 with most respondents scoring it at 4
- Getting information from your child was ranked at mostly 3-4
- Expectations of the parents role - 3-5
- Expectations of your child - mostly 4-5
Action: Take a look at the role of the Student Led Conference and continue to refine it's purpose in defining the skills to be focused on throughout the exhibition. Continue to provide thorough documentation and information to parents via emails/blog posts. Work on ensuring students are well informed and able to discuss their work with parents, answer questions etc.
3. Level of Happiness with Overall Journey Through Exhibition
- allowed for independence
- students were responsible for own failures and successes
- enormous growth
- strong year at school
- great to have an open-ended period of exploration
- good experience
- allowed to make mistakes and correct them along the way
- ability to engage and show serious independence
- permission to be creative
- uncovered passions, giving them form and freedom to explore
- more than expected
- loved the journey
- invaluable experience
- rewarding beyond our expectations
- helpful mentors and teachers
- would have liked a little more work/research from my child
- more to show in the finished product
- some struggles along the way
- unsure of how much guidance was provided - maybe a good thing?
- kids felt like guinea pigs
Action: We really appreciated the willingness of everyone to allow us to do this differently. We have a few things to think about changing/refining and then other things (struggling, that point of 'tension' when doing something new and difficult) we may need to talk about in our blog posts. Would be good to spend time making sure that while it is about the process, the product is a reflection of the passion and therefore also not 'a chore' in creating (i.e. should be motivated to create 'product' - whatever that may be - in order to share their passion).
4. What would you like to add or subtract to make the Exhibition better?
- ability to see all presentations
- continued rigor in other areas (math)
- continued consultation with 'leaders' in their fields throughout the unit (not just at beginning)
- clearer definition of mentor roles
- mandatory student/parent interaction during process
- coordinate with fourth grade to get them thinking about Ex.
- single room, shorter presentations, see them all
- more consistency in mentor knowledge about project
- more attention to the art projects
- more emphasis on taking action earlier on
- more emphasis on presentation skills
- reduce the stress
- overuse of the word 'passion'
Action: Parents will get a copy of the mentor guidelines so that they can also see what the role is (and is not) for the mentors. Would love to arrange for multiple Passion Tours, even half day, to continue the spark that the initial tour set off. Would be good to schedule in 'open house' or 'drop in' sessions for students and parents to meet during class time. Will continue to focus on presentation skills throughout the whole year. Action is part of all PYP units so greater emphasis in what this can look like should be given throughout the year. With one class of students, single room presentations may be possible next year. We were sorry the art didn't get the time it deserved. Loved the collaboration and thought but need to plan the presentation of this better.
5. Presentations - Thoughts on Learning
Overall, comments were incredibly positive! The children were able to express themselves, share the issues they encountered, articulate a sense of accomplishment, realize that the work they do matters, be creative, be courageous, function under stress, give a presentation, connect to the audience and share their journey.
Some needed to be a little more refined, clearer and more focused.
Action: One of the best things in preparing for the presentations was when we had students from other grades come to our 'dress rehearsal'. This really helped the students get a sense of presenting to an audience and from then, a lot of work went in to refining presentations. Next year, it might be a good idea to do a first rehearsal with next year's Sixth Grade and then have them partner up to work on presentations as an added step in the process.
6. Q and A Session - Thoughts on Learning
Kids were well informed, easy to talk to, welcomed questions and had great answers. This session confirmed what the presentations suggested at. The kids knew their subject matter and by defining their passion were able to connect personally, drill down and not just scratch the surface. They felt like experts and were confident in their learning.
They demonstrated that they learned more than their presentations led you to believe but this session didn't seem to have the same amount of focus as the first. It was too crowded, noisy and it looked as though some parents didn't interact with the students, just each other.
Action: Make sure the presentations reference the 'booths' more than just in passing - that there is a connection there. If in the same location, it would have been wise to have a break in which the chairs were cleared from the rooms to allow for more room or to have some booths set up in the entrance way.
7. Final Thoughts on the Exhibition
- This should be an annual event!
- Loved that the kids had to dress up
- Great job!
- Incredibly valuable
- Fantastic
- Wonderful end to a great year
- Love the process
- Highlight of the school year
- Hope more grade take the opportunity to run with this experience
- Good experience
- Kids were amazing
- Teachers and mentors were very helpful
- Final outcome was spectacular
- Wish all units of inquiry could be open-ended and student-driven
- Wish there was more!
- A big, somewhat ambiguous project for kids to tackle
- Some seemed to put in more work - more parental involvement?
- Positive, confidence building experience
- Keep doing and refining it every year
- Hope the students have many more opportunities to participate in similar projects
- Very valuable
- Realign the order of the units to better align with the Exhibition
- No need to have food/drinks
Thank you so much for all the positive and constructive feedback. We do need to make sure we timetable things out to ensure a smooth transition into the Exhibition. The PYP is inquiry-based, student-led and open-ended. All units of work have the potential to contain elements of "the Exhibition" within them.
All units, including the Exhibition, can (and should) look different each year as each group of students examines the Central Idea from different perspectives.
8. Adult "Passion Project" Group
Thank you to the eight brave people who said yes (6) or maybe (2) to joining a Parent Exhibition Group in the Fall. It is not too late for you to join this group. We will be sending out an email in mid-late August with the first information on the group. Think of what your child just did. Do you have a passion you would like to pursue - something you have dreamed of doing? Meet with like-minded people who will help you "Ship It". Click here to register your interest!