Prose inspired by The Passion Project. A blueprint for making school different.
Imagine a School... is written by Riverstone teacher, Sonya terBorg. As her students worked through the process of discovering their why and uncovering their passion, so did she. Sonya discovered that her passion was learning new things about education and looking for ways to move education forward in order to make school different.
Inspired by the work of Seth Godin's Stop Stealing Dreams, Sonya wrote Imagine a School. Her book describes the type of school she believes we all need and that all children deserve. It looks and sounds different to many schools around the world and for it to become more than something we can imagine, will require courage. Courage to change, courage to make a stand and courage to try things that may or may not work.
If you are considering The Passion Project, read Imagine a School... and share it with those on your journey.
Download a PDF copy of Imagine a School....HERE
Read an online Flipbook version of Imagine a School...HERE