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Frequently Asked Questions

Click on the headings below to find further information on The Passion Project.


  • What are the goals and objectives of The Passion Project?
  • Is The Passion Project sustainable? How does The Passion Project collaborate with other to support, grow and sustain its efforts?
  • Can The Passion Project be replicated in schools and communities outside of Riverstone?
  • How does The Passion Project revolutionize the way we think and view learning?
  • How does The Passion Project challenge traditional education methods? How does it lead the way for a new way of thinking about and delivering education?
  • How does The Passion Project instill creativity and innovation for those it serves?
  • How does The Passion Project work to create a culture of inquiry and discovery among leaders and learners?
  • How would you know if The Passion Project was successful?
  • How do you measure the effectiveness of The Passion Project?
  • What significant measurable outcomes to date have come about due to The Passion Project?
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